Welcome Prof. Shuitao Gu to become a member of committee!
日期:2019-09-25 点击量: 1073次
Prof. Shuitao Gu
Chongqing University, China
Research Direction:
1. multi-scale theoretical modeling and numerical simulation of engineering materials (concrete, rock, granular materials, etc.)
2. Numerical simulation of composite structure/composite interface failure
3. advanced and high performance numerical calculation method
4. New energy structure safety failure simulation and prediction
Research Experience:
After graduating from the Engineering Mechanics of the University of East Paris, France. he worked at the French Atomic Energy Commission Engineering Materials Laboratory and the French National Research Institute Computational Chemistry Laboratory. Then he returned to China, he has published more than 20 papers in the internationally famous SCI period Journal (JMPS, CST, IJSS and IJES, etc.) , among which he is the first wirter or correspondent are 12 SCI articles (JCR: 2 in Zone 1, 10 in Zone 2, 2 in Zone 3), have been cited more than 150 times. The most single article has been cited 60 times and the total impact factor exceeded 30. he is currently working as a member of the Editorial Committee of Composite Materials (2017-), and director of the International Chinese Computational Mechanics Association (2016-), etc. He has hosted 7 projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, youth projects, sub-projects of the “Double-Creation Project” team in Jiangsu Province.